
American Heritage
and L.D.S. Church History Tour


 Escorted by Brian Judd  

Revolution, Revelation, Restoration & Relocation

Dates and pricing coming soon

14-exciting days! Book early, this tour always fills fast!

Personally escorted by Brian Judd

This tour is a favorite each year and sells out fast. One bus only!
See all the important U.S. and LDS history sites!



Your tour price INCLUDES:

  • Round-trip airfare from Salt Lake City
  • 14-day first class American Heritage and LDS History Tour
  • Two-night stay in Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Palmyra and Kirtland.
  • 22 Meals including 13 Hot/Cold full breakfasts, 3 lunches and 6 dinners
  • Pre-reserved Temple Sessions in Philadelphia and Palmyra
  • Sacrament Meetings at the Manhattan and Kirtland Wards
  • Temple photo stops in Washington D.C., New York and Boston
  • See all the important American Heritage Sights in Washington D.C., Gettysburg, Philadelphia, New York and Boston including:
  • Arlington Cemetery plus all the Monuments and Memorials in D.C.
  • Tour Gettysburg Battlefield    * Tour of Valley Forge
  • Liberty Bell plus Independence Hall in Philadelphia
  • Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Times Square in New York
  • Lexington, Concord and the Old North Church in Boston
  • Visit to Niagara Falls in Canada
  • Visit all the Significant LDS Church History Sights from Sharon to Palmyra to Kirtland including:
  • Joseph Smith and Brigham Young's Birthplaces
  • Priesthood Restoration Sites on the Susquehanna River
  • Hill Cumorah featuring the Hill Cumorah Pageant
  • Sacred Grove, Smith Family Farm, Grandin Printing Shop
  • Restored Sites in Kirtland, plus the John Johnson Farm and Visitors Center
  • Tour the RLDS/Community of Christ Kirtland Temple
  • Specially arranged mid-day meal with an Amish Family
  • All admissions and sightseeing included
  • Deluxe air-conditioned motor-coach
  • Baggage handling
  • City tours with local guides
  • Top quality service
  • Fully escorted by Brian Judd Tours

Tour price

Pay by check price
*$3265.00 per person double occupancy.

(Triple room $3106.00 each person. Single room $4135.00

* Price reflects a pay by check/cash discount.  Credit cards + 3.85%



Day 1:  Salt Lake City- Washington D.C.

After flying to our nation's capital, we visit the Iwo Jima Marine's Memorial before our delightful welcome dinner at the Vantage Point Restaurant. After dinner we visit the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials. We also visit the Lincoln Memorial as we pay tribute to our great civil war president. Our hotel for the next two nights is the lovely Alexandria Hampton Inn. (D)

Day 2:  Washington D.C. 

Your Washington D.C. tour this morning begins at the Washington Monument, dedicated to our first president and the "Father of our Country." Then an opportunity for photos at the White House and a visit to the newly opened WWII Memorial. After lunch at the Old Post Office, we visit the Smithsonian Museums, the National Art Gallery or the National Archives, where you have time to wander and explore on your own. Tonight we visit the beautiful Washington D.C. Temple with the opportunity to take photos and explore the Visitors Center. (B)

Day 3:  Washington D.C. - Gettysburg

This morning you visit Arlington Cemetery. The Changing of the Guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is very impressive as is the Eternal Flame at the Kennedy Gravesites. Next we visit the F.D.R. and Jefferson Memorials, followed by a bus tour of the Capital. Later this afternoon we travel to Gettysburg for our scheduled tour of the Visitors Center & the site of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address at the Gettysburg National Cemetery. Free time in downtown Gettysburg before dinner at Pickett's Family Restaurant. (B,D)

Day 4: Gettysburg - Valley Forge

Our tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield this morning will help us better understand the significance of the Civil War battle that took place here during the first three days of July, 1863. You will feel as though you are on hallowed ground. After lunch we stop at Valley Forge where the Continental Army encamped during the winter of 1777. Of all the places associated with our War of Independence, perhaps none has come to symbolize perseverance and sacrifice more than Valley Forge. Our hotel tonight is located across the street from The King of Prussia Mall, the second largest mall in America. Enjoy free time at the many shops and restaurants. (B)

Day 5: Philadelphia * Temple Session Option

Welcome to historic Philadelphia, where in 1776 colonial representatives struggled with the choices and consequences of changing the country, government and a way of life. At Independence Hall, our park ranger guide will describe in detail what took place in this building the debate for national independence! The events that led to the formation of the United States of America will unfold before our eyes as we see the Liberty Bell, Congress Hall, Betsy Ross's home, Ben Franklin gravesite and Washington Square Park. We also visit the new Philadelphia Temple to do a session. (B,D)

Day 6: New York City

We arrive early this morning at Battery Park and take the ferry to Statue of Liberty, America's favorite symbol of freedom, and Ellis Island, the famous immigrant gateway to America (1892-1954). Our visit will reaffirm our gratitude for being citizens of this great country. This afternoon we take a sightseeing tour of the major attractions found in the "Big Apple." We visit the Theater District, Wall Street, Radio City Music Hall, 9-11 Memorial, Broadway, Grand Central Terminal and the Lincoln Center, with a photo stop at the Manhattan Temple.  Next enjoy all the sights, sounds and stores of East Fifth Avenue, including the Plaza Hotel. After dinner we will take a fun walking tour of Times Square, St. Patrick's Cathedral, The Hershey Building and Rockefeller Center. (B)

Day 7: New York City - Boston

We attend Sacrament Meeting this morning at the Manhattan First Ward located inside the Manhattan Temple. Then we'll visit  Central Park, photo stop at the Empire State Building, Strawberry Fields and Ground Zero. Then our coach takes us through Connecticut, Rhode Island and on into Massachusetts. We go directly to the Boston Temple for a photo stop and time on the grounds. Our dinner tonight is at the Rainforest Cafe, a restaurant featuring indoor rainforests, cascading waterfalls and giant aquariums. We stay the next two nights at the Woburn Hampton Inn. (B,D)

Day 8: Boston

This morning with our Boston guide, we re-live the "midnight ride of Paul Revere" as we see his home and the Old North Church. We also visit the Granary Cemetery where Paul Revere, John Hancock, Sam Adams and other patriots are buried. We see the site of the Boston Massacre at the Old Statehouse. We visit Faneuil Hall, Bunker Hill. Lunch stop at Quincy Market. This afternoon at Minute Man National Park, learn of the "shot that was heard around the world" as our guide takes us to Lexington and Concorde. Today's tour will help us better appreciate the American ideals of freedom of speech and religion. (B)

Day 9: Boston - Sharon, Vermont - Albany

Our focus now shifts from U.S. History to L.D.S. Church History as we leave Boston and make our way through picturesque New Hampshire to Sharon, Vermont birthplace of Joseph Smith. The 38 1/2 foot granite Monument is dedicated to the memory of the Prophet. One foot for each year of his life. Then we drive through the southern most part of scenic Vermont and make a stop at Hog Back Mountain and Whitingham, the birthplace of Brigham Young. Our hotel tonight is the Ramada in beautiful upstate New York. (B,D)

Day 10:  Susquehanna - Fayette - Palmyra

We travel to Harmony this morning and the Priesthood restoration site on the banks of the Susquehanna River. After lunch we arrive at Fayette, New York. It was here, in the Peter Whitmer home on April 6, 1830, that the Church was organized. After our tour of the Whitmer home we continue on to Palmyra and the new Hill Cumorah Visitor's Center and our first views of the Palmyra Temple. This serves as an outstanding starting point for our stay in Palmyra. This evening, events of the Book of Mormon will come alive as we watch the pre-recorded 2019 HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT, "America's Witness For Christ." Enjoy two nights at the Hampton Inn hotel. (B)

Day 11: Palmyra * Temple session option

This morning we visit the Smith Farm where Joseph lived as a boy. You will be touched by the spirit as you walk through the Sacred Grove and contemplate the events that took place here in the spring of 1820. A fun picnic lunch is included today before we go to the Grandin Printing Shop, where the Book of Mormon was first published. Then stroll the old Main Street of Palmyra. Later this afternoon we have the marvelous experience of entering the Palmyra Temple to participate in a pre-reserved session. Time to relax and enjoy this evening. (B,L)

Day 12: Niagara Falls - Kirtland, Ohio

 After breakfast we depart for Niagara Falls. We’ll take the thrilling “Maid of the Mist” boat ride on the Niagara River right up to the base of the Falls, an experience not to be missed! You’ll also have time to view the Falls from the Skywalk with awesome views of the falls, the Canadian side & surrounding area. Spend time in the Visitors Center, grounds and museum before we leave Niagara and travel to Kirtland. After dinner we visit the Isaac Morley Farm and get a great view of the Kirtland Temple at night. (B,D)

Day 13: Kirtland - Amish

Today our tour begins in restored and dedicated Kirtland. We start at the Visitors Center and then see the Newell K. Whitney Home and Store, the John Johnson Inn, the School House, the Saw Mill and Ashery. After lunch we travel to Hiram, Ohio, and visit the John Johnson Farm. It is here Jospeh and his family lived for several months and had many marvelous spiritual manifestations. It was in the front yard that Joseph and Sidney were dragged, beaten, tarred and feathered during the night of March 24, 1832. Leaving the farm we bus to Middlefield for a home-cooked evening meal in the home of a delightful Amish family. There will be stops along the way to shop in Amish gift shops for jams, quilts, candies, leather goods, woodworking, needlepoint and lacework. (B,D)

Day 14: Kirtland - Salt Lake City

We attend Sacrament meeting this morning at one of the Kirtland Wards. Then we spend time at the historic Kirtland Temple and Visitors Center. We'll then visit the Historic Kirtland Cemetery and the Temple Stone Quarry before returning to our hotel for check out and departure. On the way to the airport we stop for a delicious Sunday lunch at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. You will return home this evening with an increased appreciation for your country and for the gospel and its restoration. (B,L)

Tour Visits:

  • Washington D.C.
  • Smithsonian Musuems
  • White House
  • Washington Temple
  • Arlington Cemetery
  • Gettysburg
  • Valley Forge
  • Philadelphia
  • New York City
  • Ellis Island
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Manhattan Temple
  • Boston
  • Lexington
  • Concorde
  • Boston Temple
  • Vermont
  • Fayette
  • Joseph Smith's Home
  • Palmyra Temple
  • Sacred Grove
  • Niagara Falls
  • Amish Homes
  • Kirtland Temple & Historic Sites.

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